A downloadable game for Windows

# Power Necromancell

Game made for Ludum Dare 39 compo https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/39/power-necromancell
Thank you for playing :)

If you have any questions or just wanna say hi to author, feel free to reach me here: http://e9aru.com, or just pm me on twitter @e9aru :D

### Description
You are playing as a necromancer battery cell, get as many ~~souls~~ power to increase your A-h.

## Features:
* Battery Cells
* Tutorial
* Easter egg
* Sounds (no samples - all generated with synthesizers)
* Soundtrack (saa)
* In engine made graphics (no graphics assets)

## Controls:
* arrow keys - move and jump
* esc - reset
* space - action (resurrect / attack)
* enter - kill your followers

## Links
* Windows: https://e9aru.itch.io/ld39-power-necromancell
* Source code: https://github.com/e9aru/ld39-power-necromancell


power_necromancell_0.0.1_winx64.zip 9.6 MB
power_necromancell_0.0.1_winx86.zip 8.6 MB

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